Cross table long version, with electronic position indicator, form C, aluminium (21137) (21137-308)

Cross table long version, with electronic position indicator, form C, aluminium (21137) 21137-308

Product Details:

Manufacturer part number: 21137-308


Price: 757.08

Delivery time: 4 Days

Technical Data:

L=Length: 179

Mx: 3.6 Nm

L3: 120

Mz: 3.6 Nm

L2: 46

Part Number

Once your search is narrowed to one product,
the corresponding part number is displayed here.


Part Number
Part Number
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
L=Length Mx
L3 Mz
L2 My
B1 B2 B=Width L1 Travel S L4 D3 D4 H1 F3
H4 F2
H3 H=Height F1
H2 D5 H5 L8 L7 Weight in kg (ERP)

757.08 €

1 4 Days 1793.61203.6463.636214612048128M414200142002318200274610860.4800


  1. 1

Basic information

D 26 Version 1 long Main material aluminium
Item Cross Table D1 23 D2 M6x1
Version 2 with electronic position indicator UN No. UN 3091 Hazardous goods class danger goods class 9
L5 2 Form C RoHS true

This page is Cross table long version, with electronic position indicator, form C, aluminium (21137), part number 21137-308.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number 21137-308.

Variation of this product

Part Number
Part NumberStandard Unit PriceMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountStandard
Shipping Days
L=Length Mx
L3 Mz
L2 My
B1 B2 B=Width L1 Travel S L4 D3 D4 H1 F3
H4 F2
H3 H=Height F1
H2 D5 H5 L8 L7 Weight in kg (ERP)

939.09 €

1 4 Days 23918180187518603875180731512M62030015.53002723.530029671657.51.1500

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