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      Series name
      Price (excluding VAT)
      Standard shipping days
      Tool Diameter (D)(mm)
      work material
      Single blade, two blades
      Peripheral Blade Y/N
      Tool Material Type
      Coating Y/N
      Coating Type
      R Size (R)(mm)
      81.20 €-
      Special price
      98.92 €-
      78.46 €-
      144.79 €-
      63.08 €-
      127.26 €-
      84.46 €-
      102.30 €-
      75.80 €-
      Special price
      142.56 €
      99.75 €-
      112.42 €-
      67.21 €-
      110.22 €-
      128.59 €-
      Stock item: 1 working day
      Some items can be shipped the same day
      6 working days
      6 working days
      6 working days
      6 working days
      6 working days
      6 working days
      6 working days
      Stock item: 1 working day
      Some items can be shipped the same day
      6 working days
      6 working days
      6 working days
      6 working days
      6 working days
      6 working days
      Round ChamferRound ChamferRound ChamferHole Chamfer / Chamfering/Horizontal / Round ChamferRound ChamferRound ChamferRound ChamferRound ChamferRound ChamferRound ChamferHole Chamfer / Chamfering/Horizontal / Round ChamferHole Chamfer / Chamfering/Horizontal / Round ChamferRound ChamferRound ChamferRound Chamfer
      0.8 ~ 12.13 ~ 59 ~ 32-3 ~ 105 ~ 149 ~ 433 ~ 51 ~ 2.583 ~ 19-0.5 ~ 29 ~ 482 ~ 2.5
      General Steel[◎] / Quenched and tempered steel[◎] / High Hardness Steel[◎] / Stainless Steel[◎] / Aluminum[◎] / Titanium[○] / Copper[◎] / Resin[◎]General Steel[○] / Quenched and tempered steel[○] / Stainless Steel[○] / Cast Iron[○] / Titanium[○]General Steel[○] / Cast Iron[○]General Steel[○] / Cast Iron[○] / Aluminum[○] / Copper[○]General Steel[◎] / Quenched and tempered steel[○] / Stainless Steel[○] / Cast Iron[◎] / Aluminum[○] / Copper[○]General Steel[◎] / Quenched and tempered steel[◎] / Stainless Steel[◎] / Cast Iron[○] / Aluminum[○] / Titanium[○]General Steel[◎] / Quenched and tempered steel[◎] / Stainless Steel[○] / Cast Iron[○] / Aluminum[○]General Steel[○] / Quenched and tempered steel[○] / Aluminum[○] / Copper[○] / Resin[○]General Steel[○] / Quenched and tempered steel[○] / Stainless Steel[○] / Aluminum[◎] / Resin[◎]General Steel[○] / Quenched and tempered steel[○] / Stainless Steel[○] / Cast Iron[○] / Aluminum[○] / Copper[○] / Resin[○]General Steel[○] / Cast Iron[○] / Aluminum[○] / Copper[○]General Steel[○] / Cast Iron[○] / Aluminum[○] / Copper[○]Aluminum[◎] / Copper[◎] / Resin[◎]General Steel[○] / Quenched and tempered steel[○] / Aluminum[○] / Copper[○]General Steel[○] / Quenched and tempered steel[○] / Stainless Steel[○] / Cast Iron[○]
      -Single blade--Single blade--Single bladeSingle bladeSingle blade--Single blade-Single blade
      CarbideCarbideCobalt HSSCarbidePowder high-speed steelCarbideCobalt HSSCarbideCarbideCarbideCobalt HSSCarbideCarbideHigh-speed steelCarbide
      0.1 ~ 50.5 ~ 30.5 ~ 100.5 ~ 200.5 ~ 41 ~ 50.5 ~ 140.5 ~ 30.1 ~ ~ 81 ~ 80.1 ~ 4.5R0.5 ~ R161.5 ~ 2.5