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We upgraded our online systems! Find out more here.
MISUMI Rapid Design: Designers can save time and money when creating 3D-CAD models
Manufacturers and suppliers of machine components can help to improve the design and order processes with free CAD-3D models and digital configuration tools. This enables component providers to reduce the burden on designers who have to deal with increasing demands for efficiency. Commitment to service has top priority for us at MISUMI. That’s why we offer SolidWorks users an add-on with MISUMI Rapid Design (inCAD Components) that is based on designers’ actual working conditions, simplifies procedures and reduces the number of process steps.
Simpler designing with the free programme from MISUMI
Making the design process as efficient and stress-free as possible – this is the concept behind MISUMI Rapid Design (inCAD Components), a CAD library integrated into SolidWorks that is connected to design tools. We are simplifying the selection, configuration and ordering of machine components with the free add-on. We are constantly developing the programme. In doing so, we incorporate user suggestions to make the user experience the best it possibly can be. As many of us are also designers, we can understand the market requirements and want to reduce the complexity of processes.
Simplify modify the components you use with MISUMI Rapid Design (inCAD Components)
MISUMI Rapid Design (inCAD Components) already covers 97 percent of our products. The most interesting factor is the numerous freely configurable make-to-order (MTO) components that can sometimes be configured in 0.01 millimetre increments. Designing these components precisely to your individual requirements can be time-consuming, because as soon as a component needs changing, it has to be configured again on the website and imported into the design software. In order to streamline this process, MISUMI Rapid Design (inCAD Components) remembers components that have already been used so that they can be accessed again at a later date if needs be and can simply be modified. The basic system, the data sheet and the price are up-to-date and can be accessed in the MISUMI shop at any time. The parts lists including the product code are continuously and automatically updated.
The impact is immense: Figures show that the design time can be reduced by up to 30 percent with MISUMI Rapid Design (inCAD Components).
Our white paper provides further details. Enjoy reading it!
Overview of the benefits of MISUMI Rapid Design (inCAD Components)
- Reducing the design time by up to 30 percent
- 97% of MISUMI products are already included
- Import the basic product and simply configure it in SolidWorks
- Change components directly in SolidWorks, if required
- Parts lists with product codes are updated automatically
- View the price, lead time and specifications of different products quickly
- Data can be shared with other users
- The process is based on the work steps of designers