As an international company, we are committed to our responsibility towards our employees, our customers and our suppliers. The principles of our corporate actions are set out in our Code of Conduct, which is publicly available to all interested parties.
Business Conduct
- Full compliance with the law
lt is a fundamental principle for us to fully comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations to fulfill our goal of responsible business conduct. In this sense we perpetually observe and adhere to the legal necessities and adjust our business accordingly, regardless of the advantages and disadvantages to be encountered. - Conflicts of interest
Conflicts of interest arise due to the conduct of employees for their own account and personal gain, at the expense of the Company's interests. Our business decisions are made exclusively for the best possible interest of our Company, which sometimes requires keeping our professional and private lives separate. Therefore, all personal activities that may potentially cause risking the interests of the Company shall be strictly avoided by the employees. At any occurrence of conflicts, transparent and open solution processes are pursued by the Company. - Fair competition
Sustainable market development requires ensuring of fair competition for all the market players. Therefore, we strictly adhere to all the competition regulations and the programs on anti-trust compliance. In this sense we place great emphasis on practicing fair terms with our business partners, suppliers and competitors. We do not tolerate any actions contrary to our commitments that are aimed at preventing cartels and corruptions. Accordingly, we strictly prohibit our employees to get involved with bribery, backhanders, giveaways and occasional gifts from third parties. - Prevention of money laundering
Our Company has been adhering fully to the legal requirements of preventing money laundering. In the case of doubt, all employees may be requested to inform the Company about unusual financial transactions to the responsible department for reviewing and auditing the transactions. - Supplier relations
We take our compliance with the legal and ethical standards very seriously. In order to enable us to fulfill our compliance goals within every level of our business strategy, we expect from all our suppliers to also adhere to stipulations within this Code.
Conduct of Employees
- Equal treatment and non-discrimination
MISUMI Group is an international company with subsidiaries worldwide. Being an internationally active company has led to our company culture of equal treatment and equal opportunities; regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, religion, marital status, skin color, disability, sexual orientation, political views or any other grounds. In this regard, we behave towards our current and candidate employees in a non-discriminative manner within our policies of recruitment, promotion, benefits or developmental programs. - Human and labor rights
We respect and act in accordance with internationally recognized human rights. Therefore, we reject all forms of forced and child labor and we have taken all the measures to prevent such working conditions at our Company. We comply with the national work time regulations and we pay corresponding appropriate compensation for all employees in accordance with national and legal standards, the economic standards of different industries and regions, as well as the personal skills and development of each employee. In addition, we recognize employee unions, their representative bodies and the democratic right of employees to participate in such organizations. Participating or not participating in such organizations does not constitute any discriminative factor in payment or any form of differential treatment for our employees. - Health and safety
Health and safety of our employees is a fundamental value for our corporate objectives. Accordingly, we have taken all necessary measures to prevent occupational accidents and we expect all our employees to comply with our health and safety regulations. In addition, we expect all our business partners to provide the same level of health and safety standards, meanwhile bearing their standard in mind within the selection process of our business partners and our subcontractors. - Sustainability and climate protection
Sustainability and climate protection are key values of resource efficiency of our environment. Therefore, we put great emphasis on developing our ongoing and future product plans according to the necessities of environmental protection and clean recycling of waste to keep the climate impacts of our production to a minimum. Accordingly, we have formulated our Green Procurement Guidelines and have set our objective as avoiding waste and plastic usage by reusing the packaging. We endeavor and support all our employees to actively cooperate with us to implement and achieve our sustainability and green procurement goals.
Privacy Policy and Data Protection
- Confidential information
We have acknowledged that enabling our business goals to succeed and ensuring the reputation of our Company relies to a large extent on the data safety measures. We have accordingly taken all necessary steps and implemented the corresponding measures to ensure that the confidential business information of our Company, as weil as the sensitive information that we receive from our business partners, are protected
from the access of unauthorized colleagues and any other third parties. -
Data protection
We are aware of the value of privacy and therefore we ensure the secrecy of personal information of our employees, customers, business partners and suppliers. In this sense, we have taken the necessary steps to comply with the GDPR and all other legal requirements of data protection. Collection, processing, usage and transfer of personal data are handled only when permitted by law or by the consent of the person concerned. Unauthorized access to personal data is strictly forbidden and we impose all the measures to adhere the relevant standards. -
Company property
Properties, assets and resources of our Company are only used for company business and according to our company policies. Private use of company properties by employees, without any explicit permission, is strictly prohibited.