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Easy ways to search your product The MISUMI Web Index will help you in searching and finding the right produtcs. You can easily find, configure, download CAD data and order the desired product. Just follow our suggestions and connect to uk.misumi-ec.com/en/webindex/. Index by function Index by special material At a glance: MISUMI product line ups of non metal materials. Index by shape Products are listed based on shape and tolerance. Enter the TYPE CODE in the web search field. INFORMATION2 TYPE CODE SHAPE INFORMATION1 h9/h7/g6 #HFR - f8/g6/h5 #SFJ Hardened h7/h6 [H] Precision #KZAC - #SFJ Starting from linear motion, through rotary/ transmission, locating/positioning, general components till material and structural components. Spot your product and enter the TYPE CODE or the PRODUCT NAME in the web search field. Conveyor Roller Shaft Holders Rollers for Aluminum Extrusions Plastic Covers One-Sided Rollers for Aluminum Extrusions Protection Covers – For DoubleSurface Magnetic Catches with Adhesive Tape #HSMG Sealing Covers #HSCK Protection Covers #HSCD Panel Spacers #HSCS Antislip Covers #HSCG Slot Covers/Aluminum #HSCM Slot Covers - Elastomer #HSCB Slot Covers - Polyvinyl Chloride #HSCV Slot Covers/Sponge Type #HSCJ Slot Covers - Resin / Soft Resin #HSCA #SBC1 #HFBC #HCBM #HCBT #CBM #HSCA Slot Covers - Resin / Soft Resin Material Grade Color Sample Color Properties Product Categories Electric Properties Continuous Use Temperature °C Dimensional Stability Abrasion Resistance Sliding Properties Plate Round Bars Pipes Collars Washer Screw Standard / MC901 Blue Insulation -40~120 0 + + #MCA #RDJB #PIJB #CLJB #WSJB - Standard / MC900NC Ivory Insulation -40~120 0 + + #MCA #RDJB #PIJB #CLJB #WSJB - Sliding / MC703HL Purple Insulation -40~120 0 ++ ++ #MCA - - - - - High S / Dark Room C #RDJB #PIJB #CLJB #WSJB #RDJB #PIJB #CLJB #WSJB MC Nylon® #CLJB