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147 INDEX BY FUNCTION Switch Valves/Foot Operated/3Port/4-Port #MSFB Switch Valves/Foot Operated/2-Port Type #MSFF Small Switching Valves/Button Type #MSHP Switch Valves/Manually Operated/ Panel Mount/2-Port/3-Port #NCHB One-Touch Coupling Change Valves #BVHB One-Touch Coupling Ball Valve90 Deg. Elbow/Double Handle #BVCB One-Touch Coupling Ball Valves/ Straight/Double Handle #BVC2 One-Touch Couplings Check Valves #BVCV One-Touch Coupling Ball Valves/Union/ Double Handle #BVUB One-Touch Coupling Ball Valve90 Deg. Elbow/Single Handle #BVCE One-Touch Coupling Ball Valves/Union/ Single Handle #BVUS One-Touch Coupling Shut-Off Valves #BVHV One-Touch Coupling Ball Valves/ Straight/Single Handle #BVCS One-Touch Coupling Shut-Off Valves #BVHU Manual-Type Valves, Mechanical-Type Valves Knuckle Joints/Threaded/Configurable #FNMB Knuckle Joints/Tapped/Configurable #FNNB Knuckle Joints/Tapped/Selectable #NJSB Knuckle Joints/Toolless Unit #NJUT Knuckle Joints/Extra Short Type #NJCB Knuckle Joints/Fixed/Prong/Notch #NJT Resin Pushers/Flat/Spherical/Tapered #JPFJ Resin Pushers/Round #JPHJ Resin Pushers/Standard/Tapped #PSHC Pushers/Small Diameter/Polyurethane/ Threaded #PSH1 Resin Pushers/Standard/Threaded #PSH2 Pushers/Small Diameter/Polyurethane/ Tapped #PSHE Pushers/Large Diameter/ Polyurethane/MC Nylon/Threaded #PSHD Pushers/Urethane/Silicon/ Fluororubber/Low Hardness Urethane/ Threaded #SSLM Pushers/Urethane/Silicon/ Fluororubber/Low Hardness Urethane/ Tapped #SLLM Pushers/Large Diameter/ Polyurethane/MC Nylon/Tapped #PSHH Pushers/Urethane/Silicon/Threaded/ Flat/Round #USLH Cylinder Connecting Components