FAQ & Tutorials
What are the Bank details for MISUMI?
The bank details for MISUMI Europa GmbH are: MISUMI Europa GmbH Commerzbank AG Frankfurt IBAN: DE06 5004 0000 0382 2913 00 BIC: COBADEFFXXX. This information is also included in the footer of your MISUMI invoice or online in the supplier self-declaration.
Our customers in the United Kingdom should use the bank details below. Please note that these bank details are for UK customers only:
MISUMI Europa GmbH Commerzbank AG, IBAN: GB38 COBA 4062 0130 5675 10, BIC: COBAGB2X, currency: GBP
Why do I receive a pro forma invoice?
There may be various reasons why you would receive a pro forma invoice: Some, but not all, potential reasons are listed below;
If the credit limit is exceeded, advance payment (with pro forma invoice) must be made.
Educational institutions (schools, universities, etc.) and associations always receive a pro forma invoice for their orders as standard.
The order will only be processed once this pro forma invoice has been paid and the payment has been posted.
Does MISUMI offer cash discount?
No discounts on the invoice amount and associated reduction/extension of the payment term are offered as standard.
Is there a credit limit for new customers at MISUMI?
Following a credit check, the credit limit for new customers for purchase on credit is €1000 at MISUMI. If this amount is exceeded by one or more orders, orders will usually be blocked and must be paid in advance (via pro forma invoice). This will be agreed and communicated on an individual basis.
In case of a pro forma invoice, the order will only be processed and confirmed after payment has been received.
How can I send a remittance advice notification to MISUMI?
Send the remittance advice with your customer code and invoice number to: avise@misumi-europe.com .
How can I receive the invoice by e-mail?
Yes, you can register online for electronic PDF invoicing. To do this:
- log into the My MISUMI customer portal
- then go to PDF Invoicing
There you can enter the email address to which the invoices should be sent. Finally, you will receive your MISUMI invoice via PDF.
Where can I find information about the impact of Brexit?
You can find information about the Brexit impact on our Brexit-Impact overview and in our Brexit-Impact FAQ.