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MISUMI Europa's history
From a paper catalogue to an eCommerce platform
Component specialist with Japanese roots and core values

MISUMI Europe was launched in Schwalbach am Taunus (Germany) in 2003. To begin with, it had three employees and a straightforward catalogue for machine components. Since then, the component specialist with Japanese roots has firmly established its position on the European market. This was due in particular to the configurability of the components, a previously unknown concept in Europe. The product portfolio gradually grew and in 2013 MISUMI finally discontinued its paper catalogue and switched to the eCommerce platform, which still functions as a sales platform today. With the platform, MISUMI offers its customers an extensive selection of products from in-house production and third-party suppliers. In addition to the high configurability of the products for customer-specific solutions and their standard of quality, a short delivery time completes the company’s deep-rooted core values. The company’s philosophy is to shorten customers’ time throughout the entire process, from the enquiry to the production of the products, and to deliver products that meet the highest quality requirements.
Success factors
Standardisation of parts manufactured according to drawings
MISUMI made the breakthrough onto the European market thanks to a brand new concept from Japan: freely configurable mechanical elements for mechanical engineering, cutting tools and injection mold construction. After analysing countless technical drawings, MISUMI developed standardised products, which can be configured and ordered on the eCommerce platform. Thanks to the parameterized structure of part numbers, MISUMI can identify the items all over the world and ensure consistent quality. In order to maintain delivery reliability for customers, MISUMI invested in a fully automated warehouse in 2017 so that it could combine and ship individually manufactured products and stock products in one order. Thanks to its good geographical location and optimum transport infrastructure, the location in Frankfurt in particular allows the component manufacturer to adhere to short delivery times. At the same time, MISUMI waives a minimum order value or minimum quantity surcharge on all orders.

Strategic revolutions strengthen supply security even further
Over the years, MISUMI has transformed from a supplier and manufacturer into an eCommerce platform for everything that an engineer could need. For example, MISUMI Europa's product portfolio primarily consisted of Japanese third-party suppliers to begin with. Today, on the other hand, the company also brings together many well-known German brands. In 2017, MISUMI Europa got even stronger, for example, with renowned partners such as KIPP, Ganter and SMC Deutschland, introducing further standard parts as well as electric and pneumatic components. To coincide with its 15th anniversary in 2018, the manufacturer and supplier of mechanical standard parts, purchased parts and parts manufactured according to technical drawings moved into a new office building in Frankfurt am Main and expanded its storage capacities. Around 200,000 standard products are stocked at the new logistics centre in Frankfurt and delivered across Europe, as soon as the day of ordering.
Digital transformation
MISUMI is continuously working on digital processes to support the process from the selection of products through to installation for the customer. Examples of this include the customer portal, which customers can use to find out the current status of their order, the InCAD Library, with application examples that serve as an inspiration for designers, and our online production service meviy, which enables customers to upload their 3D models and receive a quotation with price and delivery time within seconds. As a result, the eCommerce platform is developing into a practical self-service store for machine and system engineers with 3D data. The latest addition to meviy is support for turned parts. With this step, all required parts produced according to technical drawings can be ordered uniformly via the flexible platform in the future. There is also a special shipping offer: Anyone who voluntarily accepts a later delivery time will receive the desired products at a reduced price.

You can count on us in the future

Over the last 20 years, an extensive network has grown out of the small three-employee office with a paper catalogue. And yet, Japanese tradition is still deeply anchored in MISUMI Europa’s corporate philosophy. This is demonstrated in particular by its high standards for delivery time and product quality. In addition, the company now offers around 20,000,000 different products with a wide range of customisation options. In line with its mission statement, MISUMI is currently working on further enhancing the user experience in its online shop. In the future, every designer should be able to use the completely digital platform to find exactly the components they currently need in the shortest possible time.