Connection block, VABM Series (VABM-B10-25S-G38-4-P3)

Connection block, VABM Series VABM-B10-25S-G38-4-P3

Product Details:

Manufacturer part number: VABM-B10-25S-G38-4-P3

Brand: FESTO

Price: 64.85

Delivery time: 4 Days

Technical Data:

Max. no. of valve positions: 4

Pneumatic connection 1: G3/8

Pneumatic connection 2: -

Pneumatic connection 3: G3/8

Pneumatic connection 4: -

Part Number

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Part Number
Part NumberRelated to
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Max. no. of valve positions Pneumatic connection 1 Pneumatic connection 2 Pneumatic connection 3 Pneumatic connection 4 Pneumatic connection 5 Width
Corrosion resistance class (CRC) Manufacturer part # Weight

64.85 €

1 4 Days 4G3/8-G3/8--27.52 - Moderate corrosion stress8026299607


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