Bit set accessories (62 12 120)

Bit set accessories 62 12 120

Product Details:

Manufacturer part number: 62 12 120


Price: 35.06

Delivery time: 3 Days

Technical Data:

Overall Length: 120 mm

Cutting hardness: 58 HRC

DIN standard: DIN ISO 9654

Edge hardness: 58 HRC

Manufacturer part #: 62 12 120

Part Number

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the corresponding part number is displayed here.

62 12 120

Part Number
62 12 120
Part NumberRelated to
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Overall Length
Cutting hardness
DIN standard Edge hardness
Manufacturer part # Material (details) Pliers features Product type Range of use (pliers) Standards Type Type (misc.) Weight
Wire hardness (max.) Wire hardness (max.) hard wire
Wire hardness (max.)
Wire hardness piano wire (max.)
Wire hardness (max.) soft wire
Wire hardness (max.) medium wire

35.06 €

6 3 Days 12058DIN ISO 96545862 12 120-flush-cuttingAngle cutterElectrical & precision engineeringDIN ISO 965462 12 120Electronics diagonal cutter93--Soft/medium-hard wire Ø 1.0/0.7-10.7Tool steel


  1. 1

Basic information

Material properties tempered|polishing

This page is Bit set accessories, part number 62 12 120.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number 62 12 120.

Variation of this product

Part Number
50 01 160
51 01 210
64 02 115
64 12 115
64 12 115 ESD
64 22 115
Part NumberRelated ToStandard Unit PriceMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountStandard
Shipping Days
Overall Length
Cutting hardness
DIN standard Edge hardness
Manufacturer part # Material (details) Pliers features Product type Range of use (pliers) Standards Type Type (misc.) Weight
Wire hardness (max.) Wire hardness (max.) hard wire
Wire hardness (max.)
Wire hardness piano wire (max.)
Wire hardness (max.) soft wire
Wire hardness (max.) medium wire

13.69 €

6 9 Days 16060DIN ISO 924360-Special tool steel. forged. oil-hardened. pliers black atramentised. polished head. handles coated with plastic-Pincers-DIN ISO 924350 01 160-223-----1.8Tool steel

18.11 €

6 3 Days 21060DIN ISO 924360-Special tool steel. forged. oil-hardened. pliers black atramentised. polished head. handles coated with plastic-Hammer pliers combo-DIN ISO 924351 01 210-413------Tool steel

41.16 €

6 9 Days 115-DIN ISO 96545664 02 115-non-flush typeEnd cutting nippersElectrical & precision engineeringDIN ISO 965464 02 115The front cutter with facet94Soft/medium/hard wire diameter 2.0/1.0/0. 60 mm0.6--21Tool steel

40.43 €

6 3 Days 115-DIN ISO 96545664 12 115-non-flush typeEnd cutting nippersElectrical & precision engineeringDIN ISO 965464 12 115Front-cutter. with a small facet91-0.5Soft/medium/hard wire diameter 2.0/0 8/0.5-20.8Tool steel

43.00 €

6 9 Days 115-DIN ISO 96545664 12 115 ESD-non-flush typeEnd cutting nippersElectrical & precision engineeringDIN ISO 965464 12 115 ESDAngled jaws 90°. cutting with a small facet94-0.5Soft/medium/hard wire diameter 2.0/0 8/0.5-20.8Tool steel

40.91 €

6 9 Days 115-DIN ISO 96545664 22 115-non-flush typeEnd cutting nippersElectrical & precision engineeringDIN ISO 965464 22 115Front-cutter. mini-cutter with small facet65--Soft wire diameter 0.8-0.8-Tool steel

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