SANDVIK Coromant Capto to Arbor Adaptor (C5-391.05-22 070)

SANDVIK Coromant Capto to Arbor Adaptor C5-391.05-22 070

Product Details:

Manufacturer part number: C5-391.05-22 070


Price: Please contact the support for quotation

Delivery time: 5 Days

Technical Data:

Overall Length L1: -

Shank diameter: 22

Other designs: -

Customs tariff weight: 1 kg

Holder: L dimension: 70

Part Number

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C5-391.05-22 070

Part Number
C5-391.05-22 070
Part NumberMinimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Overall Length L1 Shank diameter Other designs Customs tariff weight
Holder: L dimension Coolant Machine-side mount/coupling size
1 5 Days -22-170Yes - through centerCoromant Capto C5


  1. 1

Basic information

Cutting Direction Neutral Customs tariff goods number 84669360 Customs tariff weight unit kg
eClass-5.1 21021105 Type Adapter Manufacturer SANDVIK COROMANT
Customs tariff weight per 1 Customs tariff country of origin DE

This page is SANDVIK Coromant Capto to Arbor Adaptor, part number C5-391.05-22 070.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number C5-391.05-22 070.

Variation of this product

Part Number
Part NumberStandard Unit PriceMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountStandard
Shipping Days
Overall Length L1 Shank diameter Other designs Customs tariff weight
Holder: L dimension Coolant Machine-side mount/coupling size

719.08 €

1 5 Days 7527-4.418Input: through center/output: through milling arbor mountCoromant Capto C10

719.08 €

1 5 Days 7532-4.9320Input: through center/output: through milling arbor mountCoromant Capto C10

719.08 €

1 5 Days 4040-3.623Input: through center/output: through milling arbor mountCoromant Capto C10

543.69 €

1 5 Days -16-0.635Input: through center/output: through milling arbor mountCoromant Capto C5

543.69 €

1 5 Days 2522-0.516Input: through center/output: through milling arbor mountCoromant Capto C5

722.00 €

1 5 Days 15022BD1 = 40.001.9LSC = 16.00Input: through center/output: through milling arbor mountCoromant Capto C5

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