Manufacturer part number: 860.1-0590-037A0-PM 4234
Price: Please contact the support for quotation
Delivery time: Quote
Hole diameter (drill diameter) D: 5.9 mm
work material: General Steel[○]
Overall Length L: - mm
Customs tariff — weight: 0.029 kg
ISO M: -
Part Number
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860.1-0590-037A0-PM 4234
Part Number
860.1-0590-037A0-PM 4234 |
Part Number | Minimum order quantity | Volume Discount | Hole diameter (drill diameter) D (mm) | work material | Overall Length L (mm) | Customs tariff — weight (kg) | ISO M | Customs tariff weight (kg) | Customs tariff — weight per | Grade | Customs tariff weight unit | Recommended drilling depth l4 | Drill type | Customs tariff — weight unit | ISO P | Customs tariff — item number | Mounting size (mm) | Drilling tool: Chuck type | Core hole for thread size | Total drill length l1 / l1s (mm) | ISO N | Manufacturer | Customs tariff weight Pro | Drill WZ: Holder type | Holder size (mm) | Cooling lubricant feed | Coolant supply | Customs tariff — country of origin | Customs tariff article number | Max. drilling depth | Customs tariff country of origin | |
1 | Quote | 5.9 | General Steel[○] | - | 0.029 | - | - | 1 | 4234 | - | 37 | Solid carbide metal drill | kg | ° P | 82075050 | 6 | Straight shank | n/a | 87 | - | SANDVIK Coromant | - | - | - | - | External coolant supply | DE | - | 4-5 x DC | - |
eClass-5.1 | 21010101 |
This page is SANDVIK CoroDrill 860 Solid Carbide Drill, part number 860.1-0590-037A0-PM 4234.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number 860.1-0590-037A0-PM 4234.
Basic Attributes
Overall Length L(mm)
Customs tariff weight(kg)
Customs tariff weight unit
Customs tariff weight Pro
Drill WZ: Holder type
Holder size(mm)
Cooling lubricant feed
Customs tariff article number
Customs tariff country of origin
Hole diameter (drill diameter) D(mm)
work material
Customs tariff — weight(kg)
Customs tariff — weight per
Recommended drilling depth l4
Drill type
Customs tariff — weight unit
Customs tariff — item number
Mounting size(mm)
Drilling tool: Chuck type
Core hole for thread size
Total drill length l1 / l1s(mm)
Coolant supply
Customs tariff — country of origin
Max. drilling depth
Filter by standard shipping days
Optional Attributes
Part Number |
860.1-0340-016A0-PM 4234 |
860.1-0340-021A0-PM 4234 |
860.1-0345-016A1-PM 4234 |
860.1-0595-047A1-PM 4234 |
860.1-0610-018A1-MM 2214 |
860.1-0610-024A0-PM 4234 |
Part Number | Standard Unit Price | Minimum order quantity | Volume Discount | Standard Shipping Days ? | Hole diameter (drill diameter) D (mm) | work material | Overall Length L (mm) | Customs tariff — weight (kg) | ISO M | Customs tariff weight (kg) | Customs tariff — weight per | Grade | Customs tariff weight unit | Recommended drilling depth l4 | Drill type | Customs tariff — weight unit | ISO P | Customs tariff — item number | Mounting size (mm) | Drilling tool: Chuck type | Core hole for thread size | Total drill length l1 / l1s (mm) | ISO N | Manufacturer | Customs tariff weight Pro | Drill WZ: Holder type | Holder size (mm) | Cooling lubricant feed | Coolant supply | Customs tariff — country of origin | Customs tariff article number | Max. drilling depth | Customs tariff country of origin |
- | 1 | Quote | 3.4 | General Steel[◯] | 62 | - | - | 0.017 | - | 4234 | kg | 16 | Solid carbide drill | - | ° P | - | - | - | M4 65% | - | - | SANDVIK COROMANT | 1 | Straight shank | 6 | External cooling lubricant supply | - | - | 82075050 | 2-3 x DC | DE | ||
- | 1 | Quote | 3.4 | General Steel[◯] | 66 | - | - | 0.017 | - | 4234 | kg | 21 | Solid carbide drill | - | ° P | - | - | - | n/a | - | - | SANDVIK COROMANT | 1 | Straight shank | 6 | External cooling lubricant supply | - | - | 82075050 | 4-5 x DC | DE | ||
- | 1 | Quote | 3.45 | General Steel[◯] | 62 | - | - | 0.017 | - | 4234 | kg | 16 | Solid carbide drill | - | ° P | - | - | - | 8-32 UNC | - | - | SANDVIK COROMANT | 1 | Straight shank | 6 | Internal cooling lubricant supply | - | - | 82075050 | 2-3 x DC | DE | ||
- | 1 | Quote | 5.95 | General Steel[◯] | - | 0.032 | - | - | 1 | 4234 | - | 47 | Solid carbide metal drill | kg | ° P | 82075050 | 6 | Straight shank | n/a | 97 | - | SANDVIK Coromant | - | - | - | - | Internal coolant supply | DE | - | 7-8 x DC | - | ||
- | 1 | Quote | 6.1 | Stainless Steel[◯] | 79 | - | ° M | 0.034 | - | 2214 | kg | 24 | Solid carbide drill | - | - | - | - | - | n/a | - | - | SANDVIK COROMANT | 1 | Straight shank | 8 | Internal cooling lubricant supply | - | - | 82075050 | 2-3 x DC | DE | ||
- | 1 | Quote | 6.1 | General Steel[◯] | - | 0.04 | - | - | 1 | 4234 | - | 24 | Solid carbide metal drill | kg | ° P | 82075050 | 8 | Straight shank | n/a | 79 | - | SANDVIK Coromant | - | - | - | - | External coolant supply | DE | - | 2-3 x DC | - |